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Conveyor turning device

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-10-18      Origin: Site

The conveyor turning device is a horizontal direction changing device that guides the chain and slide frame to turn smoothly along the track. It is installed on the horizontal turning track section of the line. The disc in the center of the elbow can rotate 360 degrees of the central axis, which is suitable for the occasion with small turning half force, can reduce the friction resistance when the chain passes through the elbow, and is convenient for disassembly and assembly. The rotating device can be divided into three structures: sprocket rotation, smooth wheel rotation and roller row rotation.

1. Sprocket slewing device: the slewing wheel of the sprocket slewing device is a sprocket, which is generally used for small turning radius. It is recommended to use a sprocket with Z = 10. (z-number of sprocket teeth)

2. Smooth wheel turning device: the rotating of the smooth wheel turning device is toothless smooth wheel, and the horizontal turning section with larger radius is generally used.

3. Roller row turning device: roller row turning device is generally used for horizontal turning with horizontal turning angle less than 90 ° or with large turning radius. It is the supporting product of hanging assembly line, light conveyor line and heavy conveyor line. It is the supporting product of die forging chain conveyor line. It can be processed according to the requirements of users, and it is also the supporting product of assembly line.

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